Sunday, January 12, 2020



Carly, Derek and Molly are 15, then 16,   Hannah is 0 months, 12 months

Dear diiary I'm very upset since Carly is missing!!! Sure it's not 24hrs.. but I was always was suspicious about  her boyfriend Herbert after the first and only time I meet him.  But I should catch you up with what happened in the last year. 

Our baby sister  Hannah was born and I was made like I predicted her primary caregiver as well as cook and clean the rest of the house. Thank goodness the house is small  One Saturday I had a break in taking care of Hannah  and  Carly said she wanted to introduced me to her boyfriend Herbert.   I went to the park with her and after she fought with Max Villarreal and then played Sea Monster for another child,  I finally got to meet Herbert.   I heard Herbert mutter underneath his breath "why is she introducing me to her soup of a sister isn't it enough I meet her Heinz of a brother?"  I did try to tell Carly later that her boyfriend is bad news but she didn't believe me saying "I was just jealous that she had gotten a good-looking boyfriend".  

 Hannah is 12 months old now and I'm still taking care of her so she really likes me. Since I spend most of my at-home time with her when I'm not at school or cleaning, cooking, repairing items for the rest of the family.   So I still feed her and put her to bed.. but I do make sure to clean up the potty.  One day after I cleaned up the potty and was taking the stuff outside.. Hannah tried to talk to Carly and Carly told her "Get away from me you little brat"  When I got back after feeding the family, I distracted Hannah from Carly's unpleasantness by using flash cards.

We got a call this morning from Detective George Crabtree saying that there was some kind of weirdness with Hannah last night   Since I'm the only one who deals with the public being a maid of all work even though in a way, Derek also deals with the public five days a week,  they send me to deal with it.   He asked what I know about Carly and I mentioned her boyfriend.  The last place Carly had been seen was at this bar and apparently she passed out.     Detective Crabtree mention that at a pawnshop nearby that a necklace like the one Carly normally wears was there.  According to the Ford family who runs the store, some guy named Mason supposedly found the necklace on the street and turned it into the pawnshop.  I went there and demanded the necklace from the teenager in charge of the store.  She gave it to me just to get rid of me. I guess sometimes it is good to be a brat if it means getting what I want. 

Mason disguise is by Mamaaqurriel 

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