Friday, January 24, 2020

2.7 Surprises

Dear diary I saw Carly for the first time since 1932!! Even though she claimed she wasn't Carly.. but someone called "Agnes".  Some weird person also visited us.. Hannah is convinced that its the Queen of Heaven.  I should start at the beginning shouldn't I?

Stuff been normal since 1935. Mom's doing chores still  and that leaves time for Hannah and I to go to visit our nephews and nieces from Derek at their various homes.

On a Wednesday,  when i was out in the garden with Hannah,  this lovely woman with red hair and blue eyes and a white dress and wings appeared in the garden with us. I wondered Why does she wear glasses?   Oddly enough I recognized her voice from when I was child going  through being the maid of all work here at the Swanson Estate. I did ask her "Wait, are you the person who kept singing in my mind "A dream is a Wish Your Hear makes?"  but she didn't reply to me.    She said that Carly is some place else and gave me a riddle to pass to her since I will be "seeing her shortly"  The riddle makes no sense to me but here's it is:

In the woods, where happiness two maidens did find,

Is a place where dreams do dwell.

Hannah's convinced that the woman was Queen Anne of Heaven of the Anneorine religions. I highly doubt that.. 

On the Saturday I happened to be in the same park that Carly was at with her charges. I said "Carly where have you been?" and Carly said "I'm not Carly I'm Agnes and how come you didn't regonize me at the Grants' place?" I was confused about what she was talking about.    She did give me the truth about her so-called boyfriend and I was  so MAD!!

   I gave her the information and when one of her charges asked "Nanny Agnes" about how she knew me I make-up a story that we meet at the library once.

We then all went rollerblading through Hannah had the most falls of all of us.  Before we left.. Hannah told Jacob and Emma about her missing  older sister that she doesn't really, really remember.

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