Monday, December 19, 2022

7.11 College


Dear Diary I'm so stressed out between helping HAM,  and my own school work,  HAM and I are the first in our family to go to college.   HAM and I are living in one of Mom's and Aunt Leah's first apartments, before they got the Penthouse Aunt Melissa and Uncle Elliot and cousins are living in. 

I forgot to mention last time that back at home. HAM had some seriosuly nightmares and night terrors so I would comfort her when they happened 

I'm doing a major in English Literature and a minor in  Drama.  HAM's doing a major in LAW with a minor in Medience. 

As part of her medicence our parents brought us a Vet pratice.  I help out there sometime

One day HAM came home upset because of law class

She was upset because of law class covered a case where the Judge told a assult viticum to "keep her legs close" and that she "probably enjoyed the assult"

Because we don't have laptops we went to a library and I did research and wrote a bit of my essay "How Jane Austen's Novels Were a Prodcut of their Time"

How Jane Austens Novels Were a Product of Their Time.
Jane Austen Novels were basically a product of their time. As her Pride and Prejucie novels opening line says "It is a truth unversially acknoweldge that a man of good fortune, must be in want of a wife"

During the time period of Regency England there weren't a lot of choices for genteel women. Espcially not if their estate was entailed to a male heir or if they were the daughters of a Church Parson like the Jane and her sister were   Because they're daughters they and their mother were kicked out of the house once their father died by their eldest brother.   A fear that is played upon by Mrs. Bennet in Pride and Prejduice is worried about such things happening to HER and her five daughters if they aren't married by the time Mr. Bennet (who isn't a church parson) by Mr.Colins, a cousin.  

Women were often  hampered in their ability to find a partner because the higher one was on the social ladder the more they basically had to put on  a show for the others around them.  Being able to paint, dance, embroided and play a pinaforte.  So that they couldn't be with either a servant or be with a woman they love (if they swung that way,  but to be fair Men couldn't be with men other during this time if they swung that way)..

There weren't a lot of jobs in Regnacy period  for women of  Jane's standing.  Novels was one that was barley acceptable.  She and her sister could have bene forced to become govenorness for other genteel's families' daughters.  Or they could have been forced to become Lady's maids or compains for other genetel women. 

So basically Jane Austen's works were a product of their time when women didn't have many choices for jobs and their only way up was to marry a man of good fortune.


Later that week I went into a bar I meet a guy and when I tried to leave he tried to give me a kiss 

I slapped him of course  

and then the next day to de-stress I went and help out in our vet clinic 

While Prince Maxwell took HAM on a date!