Dear diary-why do people sometimes have to be so stupid? People are starting to view me as some kind of "Pinnichio" of some sort. Then there's that werid fire which happened in Oasis Springs which I';m being blamed for even though I wasn't anywhere *near* the Royal Palace at the time. Oh and due to Prince Harley I got an F on a project that he, Rhea Calentine, a Rosa child, and I "worked" on. I was the one who did most of the work.
I should start with some updates right? While due to Princess Halyee's bullying by Prince Harley- She and Prince David, both resigned from my club (it's not disbanded-but i can get to that later)

I came home one day from school and Mom asked me "How was your day?" I told her "We are assigned a history project and my group is doing residential schools-I'm going to be doing how girls were treated at school, Harley's going to medical treatment, and Rhea's going to do education and Master Rosa child is going to be dealing with how boys were treated" Mom said "Are you sure you want to tackle such heavy stuff when you're only are eight years old?"
I just told her "Mom, you and my aunts had to deal with a lot DARKER stuff..in your lives.. and this is just the beginning of MY life."

Due to the fact that Princess Haylee and Prince David were no longer part of the Homework club..so that now Prince Harley, Rhea Caliente and Ember Ford (who is one of my first cousins once removed) is now attacking Harmony Priestess (who is also my first cousin once removed, but is also Ember's first cousin) because of her dress (she's the child priestess so she deals with us kids if we have problems..but it means SHE has no one to turn to for help). I was in a park recently and I over heard Prince Harley say "OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!!" it's not the first time I heard him and his cronies say stuff like that. Mostly they asked her if her parents got the dress from a thrift shop or from her great-grandparents (my grandparents). So I fought with Prince Harley (he won).
That some month, Queen Trinity tried hosting a party but her palace kitchen got on fire-there's a rumour someone died, but Victoria is still alive according to one of her sons. Queen Kelly said I started it but I hadn't been over there since her kids quit my club.

HISTORY PROJECT: North American Residential Schools (part 1)
by America Swanson, Harley Berjsens, Rhea Calentine, and Master Rosa
Staring around 1867 the governments of Canada and the Kingdom of the United States thought that Indians could be 'beaten out' of' their Indian behaviour and taught how to be "White". These schools are still around today. These people would take -ie 'kidnapped' children as young as four years old and take them to schools where they weren't allowed to talk in their own language. Girls were told to do the household stuff. Don't know what the boys were told to do. Girls were more likely to be 'welcomed' into the head's office during the night then the males for some reasons.
Months later before our project was due I went to school and I asked Rhea "Why haven't you and Master Rosa gave me any of the work?" Rhea said "Harley told us.." I said "Not to do any work?" Not the first time, I always wind up in projects with him and end up doing all the work.
At recess Prince Harley and his cronies were once again bullying Harmony. He was saying stuff while pushing Harmony down like "I hope you have a nice TRIP. Say 'HI' to the Mad Hatter well you're there?" and I heard Rhea say "I hope the Queen of Hearts does lops her head of because she deserves it. Then the bell for the end of recess happened leaving just me and Harmony out. Harmony told me for us not to go to the nurse. So I just agreed with her and we didn't go to the nurse
I had to do *more* studying and then finished the report which I did all the work

HISTORY PROJECT: North American Residential Schools (the rest)
by America Swanson, Harley Berjsens, Rhea Calentine, and Master Rosa
Boys were told to do outdoor stuff like farming and collecting logs, etc Both genders were only allowed to have one actual class day. I’m wonder what were they *not* learning? Also if they did any talking in their native tongues they could get severely punished
Psychical education at these residential schools was very similar to what Jane Eyre experienced before her school’s restructuring. Manly that they could only walk in a circle in the school's fencined-in yard. Medical treat weren't any good and there's are rumours that these people were doctors' guinea pigs. So that there were a lot of deaths both from illnesses like flu and measles but also because of the treatments (like half-starving) some of the children to see how they respond
So now because of these residential schools a lot of indigenous folks of North America once if they ever returned home they couldn't communicated with their families Since of the abuse they had at the school- they are now have a ton of apparently "shell-shocked" experience much like my own relatives- my Dad, Jacob and my her Mutt Aunt Carly But at least they have my Mom, or in Aunt Carly's case, Uncle Henry
The next day Harley stole my paper and handed it into our teacher who is I guess one of my cousins.. Darwin Red. saying HE did all the work. I didn't say anything because I didn't want to get into any trouble
Then the day after we got the project returned.. I come home and Mom said she heard that I fought with Prince Harley and she was angry with me.. "HOW DARE YOU ATTACK YOUR FUTURE MONARCH AMERICA!!" "MOM! THAT WAS MONTHS AGO..AND ALSO HE WAS BULLYING HARMONY!!" She was "I DON'T EVEN CARE IF HE THROWS A WATER BALLOON AT YOU! YOU ARE, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES ATTACK PRINCE HARLEY AGAIN!! AM I CLEAR?"
"Yes Mom, you are"
"WHAT IS GOING ON ABOUT A RUMOUR YOUR STARTED A FIRE AT THE LANDGRABBIES' PALACE?" I said "I don't know, Mom, I haven't been there since Prince David, and Princess Haley quit the club. Let me guess I 'left' something near the oven right?" Mom said "I don't know.."
I think Mom might be a little moody because she's expecting a little child in the next year or so.
My twin Lucy came over "Since our club members are now down to Prince Harley and his cronies, I'm not going to be part of the club nor your co-leader anymore." I said "well if that is the case, I'm closing the club down. since I don't want to deal with Prince Harley anymore then I want too."
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