Authors Note: I have nothing against Germans or Jewish. This is just a in-story history project that is semi told from a German Point of View.
Dear diary, stuff is still the normal it is around here. I'm getting Cs since I'm so tied every day because of having to be up till 11 at night and having to get up at 5 in the morning the next day to do the work. So as extra credit I'm told to do a history project. I chose the Ostarbeiter "Eastern Workers" Geez I wonder why?
Ostarbeiter "Eastern Workers"
In the 1940s during World War II us Germans relaized they wouldn't win the war very soon so they needed to get help from some of the Slavic countries. Ironically a lot of those people had the features that Germans so desired like my 'boyfriend's" grandma, great-grandma, and grandaunt. Ironically my "boyfriend" mother has features normally associated with Jewish folks But according to us Germans they're subhuman just above so-called Jewish "rats". What they really needed was for women to be domestic servants in some of the German households. Sure some of these women were sent to factories to build bombs for us Germans and were denied access to bomb shelters
Because a lot of them were domestic servants they were more at risk of being 'taken to bed against their will' with the head of house. Despite laws saying that the "sub human" Polish or Urakiane shouldn't mingle with pure Germans. That's not the worse part is that the Ostarbeiters are given less food (despite doing most of the work) then their bosses and bosses' family did. If they tried to escape they're excuted and their bodies were placed in areas as warnings to other Ostarbeiters They also were told to sleep in seperatre quarters then the family. What's worse is that after the war, when the Polish and Urakiane people could returned to their home countries-which is under the control of SSR- other people considered them to have 'questionable loyalty' and the authorities consider them to be traitors- (despite a lot of them having technically kidnapped as children by the then-German Government) , so deprived them a lot of basic citizen rights like higher educations or jobs.
My days consist of bathing Ellen, cleaning up the bathroom. Feeding myself and the dog. Playing and teaching Ellen how to talk cooking, cleaning after meals. I also have to read Ellen to sleep in her bedroom. Sometimes I have to get shut eye doing the day on the couch-I'm surprised they let me even do that.. since according to Empress Kelley, Dauphin Harley I'm "subhuman" much like the Slavic people who were Ostarbeiters. Sometimes little Princess Isabelle wants me to have a snowball fight with her so I do.

One day after I did the cooking and washing up of the family's meal. Dauphin Harley came into the ktichen and he never does that, he stays away from it So I thought I did something bad but instead he for no reason started yelling at me saying stuff like "I wouldn't amount to anything useful, I wouldn't ever get a job in this town since I'm a Mutt, who would ever hire a thief like YOU?" When the main royal family isn't around (Empress, Dauphin, and the older Princess) Prince Consort lets me eat at the royal table with him. Which I'm grateful for .
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