Dear diary- My sister and are in Gr. 1 at school.. its has a lot of interesting people at school. But I have bad feelings about Prince Harley. But I should start at the beginning shouldn't I?

Lucy and I started a homework club and because Harley is the future king of Windenburg we had to allow him into our club. I really didn't like that but hey we also have two of Mom's grandnieces in our club as well Harmony Priestess and Ember Ford Rhea Calentine is also in the club. But one day when we had the group over at our place- a fire happened at the chemistry set Mom got Lucy and me. But people for some reason thing I did it since I was the near the set after the fire broke out.
Then another time we went to the Bergjsens' and Harmony almost died in another fire but I wasn't even near their chemistry set but people think I did it. Why would I kill my First cousin removed? The day after that was the weekend and we hanged out around the park. I played with some of the other kids and Lucy and Haylee went off to talk together and hang out near a picnic table and Haylee told Lucy about the Langrabbies ' dog Lucy and I want a dog but Oma and Opa have a fear of dogs. Not to mention i'm allergic to bees. A couple of minutes later I saw there was a problem near the picnic table Apparently, Harley, Cousin Ember and Rhea Caliente had approached Lucy and Haylee and started mocking Haley by saying stuff like "Did you Daddy hatch you and David out of a eggs? Since you aren't HUMAN like the rest of us?" and Rhea laughing and saying "I thought aliens were suppose to be SMART- you, Haylee are dumber then a rock!!" I pulled Harley aside and yelled at him saying "YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS AREN'T ALLOWED IN THIS GROUP IF YOU CONTINUE TO BULLY HAYLEE!!"
We then on Monday went once again to the Berjsgens and we had yet *another* fire what in the world is going on here? Why am I being blamed for these fires?
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