Saturday, March 12, 2022



note: I'm against spanking 

Dear diary I'm really hate my life at the moment. 

My parents espically my Mom prefer her daughter Adalyn over me her older son.  Adalyn gets to have everything her way,.  Why the other day I had to take a 'family picture' of her Dad, and Mom.  It's like I'm not part of the family  Adalyn will be the next future priestess of this family religion, The Enrichment religion. 

Anyway after the family picture,  Adalyn tried to get me to play with her and I refused too-I know her games by now .  So she went and "fake cried' to Mom saying "Elliot's being mean to me again"  

Mom then came out and scold me "You know what you get the next time you refused to play with her. And anything after you're being send to help your Uncle  Erhan at our pawn shop. "

 A a month later,  Adalyn did it again tried to get me to play with her again She's like a same-age as me D.W. instead of a 4 year old kid.  Once again I refused to and she went and "fake cried" to Mom again whom did what she threatened to do before 

And two months after that Adalyn did it AGAIN and AGAIN 'fake cried' to mom. And Mom had 'enough' of my behaviour for not playing with Adalyn, she sent me to the pawn shop to help Uncle Erhan (my other uncle, Ethan became Princess Amanda Landgrabbie's  husband). 

After something like five months at the pawn shop (yes I still go to school too),  that I'm more knowledge about stuff in the pawnshops then my Uncle Ehran is.  I mean he's like those useless Disney Villian sidekicks like Mr. Smee,  or the Horace and Jasper and of course Pain and Panic.   Like before we closed tonight a guy came in asking for something for his wife and Uncle Ehran is like "I don't know what that is"  and lobs the customer off on me.   I'm also suppose to find items for the pawn shop but I'm having a hard time being you know a child. 

There's a bed in the back but Uncle Ehran gets to have it I'm stuck sleeping on a sleeping bag on the floor instead. 

Leah's crew of me, Melissa,  Jay and of course Leah caused more mischief with a bunch of people whom bullied Leah at school 

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