Note: From here on out..when I refer to the Berjsen's family So that Daupin Harley's great-grandparents were Emperor and Empress Consort (which is the same thing as Queen Consort), Kelly is an Empresses Regnant (same as a Queen Regnant) Dauphin/Dauphin (is the heir to the throne of Windenburg but this will change at the end of Gen 5)
Dec 31st 1966- Jan 1st 1967
Dear diary, why did I fall AGAIN for Empress Kelly's lies? This time I'm in some jail cell for supposedly stealing the Cursed Diamond of Al Simhara. I don't even know what that IS and even if I did know why the f- would I do with it? I should start at the beginning.
Well on Dec 28th Empress Kelly sat me down on a couch and said "Well since you did so well, I think we should get you a make-over to make you more appropriate dress in the status of Dauphin Harley's future Empresses Consort" I asked "Does that mean I wouldn't have to do all the housework anymore?" Kelly said "That's right" So I went with her to a Beauty Salon and she talked to one of the owners I didn't hear what she said. The first stylist took me into the room and dressed me up in a very weird way- a red vest and red jeans which showed a little of my tummy. Then after Kelly approved of that outfit- the other owner took me and changed my hair into this ponytail style.
On Dec 31st Dauphin Harley took me out on our first date in two years. Then we went clubbing I don't remember much very well.. I got very drunk on the wines he kept giving me. I remember throwing up in the toilet, but I don't remember anything else until I woke up in Magnolia Blossom in Willow Creek and I was tussled up like some kind of animal. With a bit of difficultly I was able to get out of the ropes- I then found a payphone and called the Berjsens but they didn't answer the phone. I found my way back to Windenburg-hopefully the Goths don't mind having to pay my train and plane fare to get back to Windenburg-I put it on their tab
I went to Cousin Darwin's house, the homeless shelter which I heard my my grandma Clarissa as a young woman frequented, until she got tricked by Harley's great-grandma, Empress Consort Clara, into having the lot our house is currently on. I just was getting some food into my stomach when an Officer, Officer Fogel, marched into the shelter and said "America Swanson, You're under arrest for the stealing of the Cursed Diamond of Al Simhara!" I knew it was pointless to argue, since everyone in the world, know I'm a mutt so they think I'm some kind of thief.
Across the World in Oasis Springs, Prince David woke up to his second dream about America is in trouble. His twin sister Princess Haylee heard him scream as he woke up so she came in and said "You had another dream about America Swanson didn't you?" David couldn't speak so Haylee just sat on the bed with him. I have a copy of today's newspaper somehow Dad got an early one and once again you're right..and America Swanson is in really big trouble at the moment"