Saturday, February 8, 2020

2.9 Wedding and Rival Clubs


Dear diary  I'm happy and upset at the same time.  I got engaged to Prince Alex Goth.  I had a wonderfull wedding after he proposed to me the 6 months ago.  I'm currently am pregnant with triplets..I guess its what they say multiplies have multiples. 

Molly: Life is made of moments good ones and bad ones they;re all worth living for
Alex: Your happy ending might not the one you been expecting and that's what makes it special
Both: I will always find you

Today Hannah came over very upset today.   She said ever since Mr. Grant had been convicted.. Mrs. Grant had to get a job.  So that means at lunch time at school the Grant twins had to bring lunch with them while everyone else went home.  Lately Kelly Berjsen had been asking "Jacob  are you planning on committing any crimes during lunch time?"  It got so bad that Hannah started taking lunch to school herself so that the twins wouldn't get lonely at school.  One day she stood  up to Kelley to "jive off and leave poor Jacob alone."  Kelley asked her "why are you sticking up for children of a criminal? -they and their mom should be locked up  in the Big house with their  criminal father."  

 Then Kelley  made up a club which was  of herself, Princess Trinity Landgrabbie, Carlos Ford, Lucas Brackenreid  and someone else and called it the "Jacob Haters"  Hannah  with Bailey Priestess, Emma and Jacob Grant, William Murdoch jr and someone else started a club called "First Chances"

One weekend   at a park  Kelley said to Jacob  "when are you planning on committing a crime and joining your father in the big house?"  It bugged Hannah so much that she and Kelly got into a hassle.  Hannah won of course!  Then on a field trip to the library..since it was the end of the day the teachers just left all the kids  at the library and Lucas Munch now Brackenreid said "the apple doesn't fall from tree so why don't you steal something criminal?". William Murdoch Jr  flipped his wig   about his "cousin" Lucas treating Jacob so poorly that the two of them had a fight and they're evenly matched because "Grandpa Brackreid" had given them the same fighting lessons. Murdoch Jr yelled at him at the end of the fight which he won and said "JUST BECAUSE UNCLE JOHN ALLOWED YOU HIS NAME YOU'RE NO TRUE BRACKENREID!!"

Hannah said what makes her really, really upset is that just last year she, Emma, Jacob, Murdoch Jr, Baliee Priestess were friends with the princesses and Carlos Ford and Lucas Brackenreid. I was shocked at how much stuff could change in one year for Hannah and her friends.

On the next field trip to the Von Haunt Estate a supposedly Haunted museum formerly a mansion- Trinity said " I don't think you or your sister should be allowed in the museum how do we know that neither of you will be stealing some precious art pieces from it?"  That made Emma very mad and she fought Trinity and won.   There were two more incidents one which happened at a church and another one which happened at a pool. 

I couldn't really help much but I just told her to keep standing up for Jacob and I then invited her to feel her future nieces and nephew.  She felt at least one of them kick she thinks he or she might follow Ba into the athlete career might be come a football player or something.

bad child pose by Sims3lover
Kids Hang Out  by Storybrooksims

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