Wednesday, May 11, 2022

6.16 Hanging Out


Warning Smoking in this chapter!

Dear diary, I'm so confused with all the stuff that's happening.  There's been a kidnap attempt each- one on Jay, and then one on me.  Oh and Jay and I been dating! I'm a bit stressed with the campaign so I sort of have taken up smoking. I will stop if I get elected and I got the others to stop if  I get elected.   

I had a campaign party in order to get votes and donations for my campaign.  During the campaign party I finally understood in the past two years when I been going to grocery stores, when I go there employees yell at me.  It's due to racism  

There was a lovely dinner and before people left Leah and I sang a duet together. 

Some more campaigning  this time with "Universal income, Universal progress"

and also this chant 
"courage, my friends; tis not too late to build a better world"

Jay and I had our first date on and in a car that  Jay had purchased doing odd jobs around the SimNation 

More protesting with "SimNation are some of the greatest hopes in the world. We can be an even better one-a nation of greater equality, Justice and Opportunity" 

And "I will have chicken or tofu in every pot!"  

Another big night for me with a new speech 
"We are a herd. Our Strength is unity and with unity, we strengthen all. And yet, so many of us break off on their  own in the name of being the head of the pack. Like crabs in a pot, they pull others down for a brief chance of being on top.  But this is a meaningless struggle. Even if you finish first in the race for survival, the race isn't over and the awards only handed out when the last person had crossed the finish line. We must stop pushing others back from the finish line,  prolonging our struggle in the name of clutching a first place medal. Society only progresses as fast as its neediest members. As long as a single person is trapped in the race to survival, we  are all trapped.  I swear I will end this race with NO SIM LEFT BEHIND!" 

Jay and I had another date. During this date that someone tried to kidnap Jay right in front of me.  I guess they didn't except this weak, woman could beat them up so badly? 

Leah taught me the Berjsgen side of the family. Apparently my father Romeo's late uncle  Marco is  Leah's father so that makes Leah and her own twin sister Denise  my first cousin once removed. 

Jay and I had several dates and on our last date.. I was the one whom was almost kidnapped but Jay knocked the guy out badly.  

More campaigning with all the chants from before and also "Four more years of full stomach!" 

Melissa and I sang in a Karaoke bar after our last protest.  

A couple of days later I decided to take a break from campaigning and I hang out with Leah, Melisa, Elliot and Jay.  We shoot some hoops in Leah and my penthouse's basketball court  

Then we went over to the hottub 

A couple of days later Leah took me to the Art Gallery and we painted a mural on the empty part of the gallery 

The gang and I posed inside and then  I tried the Bubble blower with the others looking on.  Melissa had to leave for home so it was just Leah, Jay and Elliot.

  Apparently someone took a photo of me and the three others with the Bubble Blower and sold it to the newspapers because this morning it was in the paper 

The chants on this chapter and the last chapter were made by the folks over on Not Always Right forum.  The speech used in this chapter was also by someone over on NAR forum 

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