Saturday, March 27, 2021

Interlude 4.2: Gossip


DEAR DIARY I'M SO MAD AND FRUSTATED. But I'm also not surprised. Turn out all the crap in the previous entry that Elliot had to deal with?  Turn out to be all a set up by Princess Kenya Bergen.  She told it to her Sidekick Vienne Calentine. Vienne Calentine to it to her twin sister Jessica from band who is friends with Cassia Lyons from Drama club and Jessica told Cassia. Cassia told her sister Novelle who is a cheerleader who told fellow cheerleader Sofia. Barontini  Who then told "trouble maker" Skye Hern who then told our cousin Serena Murdoch. Who told Cora whom told me and I told Elliot

I feel like I been thrown into the 2010s of the future and am watching some show about four pretty mean girls all with an ugly secret  which could RUIN THEIR LIVES IF FOUND OUT. 
Got a secret?/Can you keep it?/

Locket it in your pocket it/
takin' this one to the grave
if I show you, then I know you wouldn't tell what I said/

since two can keep a secret if one of them is dead

Why do you smile like you been told a secret 
Now you're telling lies/'cause you sworn to keep it

No one keeps a secret, no one keeps a secret 
why when we do our darkest deeds/
do we tell/

They burn in our brains and become a living hell

'cause everybody tells, everybody tells

Got a secret/can you keep it?/swear this one you'll save/lock it in your pocket 
takin' this one to the grave

If I show you, then I know you wouldn't tell what I said

since two can keep  a secret/if one of them is dead

Look into my eyes/now you're getting sleepy
are you hypnotized by the secrets you're keeping?

I know what you're keeping, I know what you're keeping

Got a secret, can you keep it?
swear this one you;ll save/lock it in your pocket

takin' this one to the grave
if I show you, then I know you wouldn't tell what I said
since two can keep a secret

if one of them is dead

Yes two can keep a secret if one of them is dead

Yes two can keep a secret if one of them is dead

After Elliot found out he was SO HOPPING MAD. A few days later Elliot and Prince Orlando both walked into the coffee shop and Elliot went over and said to Prince Orlando "Do I bite my thumb at thee? Yes I do bite my thumb at thee."  Jasper Lyons and Junior Lefo both thought the two would get into a fight  so they tried their hardest to get the two away from each other which apparently worked. Or so we thought.

Apparently, Prince Orlando hated being threatened and embarrassed  by both Elliot, Junior Lefo and his own gang member Jasper- that he brought a knife to school the following day and ATTACKED ELLIOT! 

They had to see Principal Rene Grant a distant Cousin on our mother's side.

But he decided not to do anything because on one hand the Royal Berjsens donate money to the school.  And he's distant relatives of my family. Also he doesn't want to upset other royal households like Daddy's brother Uncle Henry or our Cousin Queen Maeve Goth.  Also he doesn't want to seem racist other due to Elliot's other recent experiences.

song is Secret by the Pierces 

Saturday, March 13, 2021

4.5 ID Problems


It started when I took a Foods class this term in high school.  It was a pretty small class my betrothed Michelle,  Distant Cousin Julianna "Hattie" Priestess,  and a new girl in town, Harper Lyons.  Her family just moved to SimNation.   Michelle and I always teamed up together for Foods Class.  The teacher seems to not like me. I think she wished a girl had taken my spot.  

I was a pretty good student but she always yelled at me for saying "I was in the wrong class" or "I should be in wood shop or automobile class."  Michelle said to our teacher "Doesn't that mean you should be a sectary, or even better a stay-at-home mother?"  

I then went to a "Hip" store and some employee just stood nearby for some weird reason. I'm realized now is he thinks I was going to steal something.  I then spend sometime with my betrothed.  We're starting to fall in love I believe.

In another foods class- a fire broke out on my store (I was trying to make a breakfast dish) and the teacher came screaming into "SEE THIS IS WHY MEN SHOULDN'T COOK! THEY ARE USELESS!"  Michelle once again pointed "With that mind-set you should be at home, being a HOUSEWIFE."  But the teacher just yelled at her then "YOULL JUST BE A LITTLE NOBODY WITH ELLIOT'S LAST NAME!". Michelle said "The joke's on your, boys who marry outside of the Swanson family have to take their wives' name because only husbands of the heiresses get to inherited the name of the Swanson family. Except for that future problem of  Mr. Baron."    

As I was spending more time with Michelle at a swimming pool (again)- Dad who had found out about the sexist things the teacher had said.  He barged into the teacher's classroom after school and yelled at the teacher  "WHY IN THE WORLD DID YOU TELL MY SON HE SHOULD BE IN A WOODCLASS OR AUTO SHOP? ALSO WHY DID YOU TELL HIM THAT HE'S JUST WILL BE A LAZY BUMP WHEN HE'S OLDER?"  The teacher said "Well why is he's talking a food class? He should be taking a Law class to become a lawyer or better your SON should be in Mr. Pancakes' chemstiry 202 class and your DAUGHTER Elizabeth  should be in this class instead."  Dad just told her "IF I EVERY HEAR ANYTHING ABOUT YOU SAYING SEXIST THINGS ABOUT MY SON AGAIN OR MY SON'S BETHORED,-YOU'RE WILL BE OUT HERE SO FAST, YOU CAN'T SAY MONKEY'S UNCLE. SINCE I WILL GO TO PRINCPIAL GRANT TO GET YOUR FIRED!"

I went to another store-this time a thrift store- and  once again I was being followed.   I talked to this employee and he said he been told white people especially white Swansons were "monsters" but he didn't see me as a Monster.  He didn't say who told him about Swansons-as-monsters.. But I got him over to my side anyway. 

A couple of days later Elizabeth over heard our parents talking about at least sexist things which been said to me and what had previous been said about her.  Mom just wants to forget about it but Dad doesn't.  He things to show them (both teachers) before they do anymore anyone they both should go to Principal Grant and have the two teachers fired. But Mom told him straight out "NO! We aren't doing it not unless more problems GROW UP!."

Elizabeth came out to me and I just went off at her about the "pranks" she and Cora pulled.  Elizabeth told me calmy (I'm the one who is suppose to be calm!) "Neither Cora or I played any prank not like the sexist ones that I heard our parents talk about.  What is the other "prank" that Cora and I have supposedly played on you?" And I told her about being followed in stores. I even told her about how Junior Leof (that employee from the 2nd store) had told me about Swansons being "monsters" especially white ones. 

I'M SO BLOMMIN' TICKED OFF.  Somehow Lia Ford got made a Junior police officer with the power of arrest. Maybe it has something to do with the fact her family, the Ford family kicked her out because she's a Squib?  

Well anyway, Elliot and I were spending time visiting Queen Mavee in Willow Creek,  I was on the horse of course doing my usual  knighthood watching, Elliot was on foot of course.   I looked away from Elliot for a second and when I looked back at him  Lia Ford had stopped him.  And I got the feeling he was being asked for ID.  I had that done to me occasionally.  You would think that because Elliot being white-passing he would be able to just walk away right? Well  Elliot tried to walk away and Lia started a fight with Elliot and when they finished (I have no idea who won).. Lia, arrested Elliot and started walking Elliot to her police car across from the park.  

So it took me awhile to catch  up with them (I decided to go on foot and I trusted people in the park), and they had almost gotten to Lia's police car when I got up.  I went ALL out on her. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING? YOU KNOW YOUR ARRESTING A RELATIVE OF HER MAJESTY, QUEEN MAEVE? DO YOU WANT THE WRATH OF HER ON YOU?!"  Lia said "But he was being aggressive, just walking away.and not identifyiung hims-"  I replied "NOPE  HE WASN'T BEING AGRESSIVE, HE WAS ASSERTING HIS RIGHT TO WALK AWAY FROM POLICE OFFICERS LIKE YOU. ONCE AGAIN I ASK DO YOU WANT TO DEAL WITH HER MAJESTY QUEEN MAEVE'S WRATH?"  

poses use:
horseriding by Sweetsorrow
911 pose by Moonshinesimms4