Dear diary, I'm not in prison any longer but I'm not serving at the Enrichment castle either. I'm at my Aunt Emma's house. But I'm not free either yet I should tell how I got out of the prison shouldn't I? Well in order to tell that I need to tell Prince David's story as well.

David, went to Drago house a sort of local mafia family- He talked to the patriarchy of the family Alexander Drago. "Mr. Drago" Mr. Drago "Please call me Alex, David" David said "Well you see I had this crush on a friend, America. She been accused and convicted of a terrible crime-but I'm the only one who believes she's innocent, my parents and the girl's uncle by marriage think she's deserve it. I can't go to the Windenburg's royalty, since I believe they, especially the Empress Regnant Kelly are the ones behind America's convection." Alex said: "I want to introduce you to Mr. Tony "Meatball" Correseni.. he can help you with freeing of America, but in the meantime , I have a plan to get you into the jail and get America out of it.. My wife and my sister-in-law are waiting for you upstairs. Do you know of anyone who might shelter you and America for awhile?" David said "Yes I do.. America's Aunt Emma" He went upstairs and then got a make-over. When he showed up at the prison he introduced himself as "I'm your Great-Aunt Plumbum Von Boxtox and I'm here to bail you out" which he did..and then we been at my Aunt Emma's ever since.

So for the last several weeks.. David and I slept together no not like THAT . We had our meals together we can't go out for safety reasons. We spend time in the sauna, playing card games both in nothing but towels but also in our clothing. We also do a lot of yoga in Aunt Emma's yoga room
After awhile
I got to meet this Tony guy. He seems to be a nice guy even if he has some
interesting history. He then told his story: "I visited your family's estate America - I was greeted by your sister Lucy. She said 'HOW DARE AMERICA BRING SHAME ON THIS FAMILY!! HOW DARE SHE STEALS THAT DIAMOND!!" I had to tell her that "You're sister was framed-and you know how Prince Harley was.. REMEMBER?" It took me a couple of times before I got her on my side."
He then continued "I then took Carmen Baker and Rhea Caliente to a an Italian restaurant for supper and treated them like royalty. I then took them to a sort of park where I had hired a hot-air ballroom, I picked up a guitar and sang
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain/he's a brainless, heartless, coward/
with no power/ That's just another trick of his/ He ain't a wiz so don't feed his fire/jump in my balloon/I can take you higher"
After I finished - Carmen Baker told her story. That Dauphin Harley had taken her to a restaurant and then when they're waiting for their food- she drew on the placemat and that made Harley made yell at her calling her "Childish"and a "animal" After dinner he took her clubbing. But while they danced he tried to tell her that if she didn't in court lie about America, her family would 'disappear' . But she protested at first but then as they're leaving he punched her in the face. Saying not only would (her) family disappear but she wouldn't get any job in town-except an unpaid job at Berjsens' since they need someone to replace America.

After Carmen finished her story, Rhea started telling hers. She mentioned her family has witch history, it's not very well known. Well anyway, like Carmen, she was taken to dinner at a different place. by Dauphin Harley They had quite a good time.. Rhea likes art and Harley took her to an art museum and out of nowhere he starts dancing with her in the art museum. He tried to convince Rhea to lie. At first she refused to do so until out of the blue while choking, he told her that if she didn't, he would announce to the whole world her family has witch history and she would be outcast in the society and she couldn't have that. So that's why she lied. "

After he was done telling his and the Rhea's and Carmen's respective stories. I said "IS there something we can do? I know Empresses Regent Kelly had written a book about framing one of my parents' children" I also added "I also know that Lucy loves to baby-sit, and also I know the youngest Berjsen kids LOVE Peter Pan.. and we could use that to our advantage" indicting my outfit. Tony said "That's Genius!! I will go talk to Lucy about that idea in your stead"
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