Dear Hay
This is s confusing what has happened since Jan 1st. Remember when I had my second dream about America Swanson being arrested again-which you told me was true? She's now convicted (I suspected fasley) and has to work at the Enrichment temple if I don't do something But I think I know who to turn too according to the Premore family.
Maybe I should start at the beginning? After trying to comfort me after my dream only to give me the shock of you know finding out my dream was true again-the last one resulted in Dauphin Harley saying America was HIS property not MINE
You brought me some coffee and we talked. You convinced me to talk to Dad about the dreams I been having and to see if he could help America Swanson.
So I went to talk to Dad- I said "Dad I think that America Swanson is innocent of the crime she's been accused of. Since we're the royals of the kingdom that the diamond was in a museum in couldn't we interfer with what's going on with Miss America Swanson?" Dad just starting yelling at me for no reason "No GOOD FOR NOTHING AMERICA SWANSON DESERVES A LENGHTLY SENTENCE FOR ALL HER CRIMES!! AND REMEMBER SHE SOMEHOW MAGICALLY MADE OUR OTHER PLACE BURN SOME HELL EVEN IF SHE WASN'T HERE?"
So I decided to see if I could get help from America Swanson's Uncle, King Alexander Goth, his wife Queen Consort Molly is America's Aunt. "As much as I want to help you David, I can't Prince Perod, one of my grandsons got kidnapped yesterday morning, and also the case is outside my region." I knew there was no point in talking to the Berjsens who I knew was behind it. But Alex said "Even though I can't help in anyway.. I know you probably want to visit America in the prison as well as attend the court case without people recognizing you?" I said "Yes I do" Alex replied "Go to the Anneorine temple and have them help you out there my family which is partly America's family belong to Anneorine religion"
So I go to the Anneorine and talk to Harmony Priestess. I told who what happened and how I had dreams. She did mention "This isn't the first time the true future husband of a Swanson Heiress had dreams about Swanson Heiress..even though Jacob Swanson had it as a child, while you're dreaming of current events of America" But she was able to help me with a disguise
I went to the special prison I need that America Swanson was at and got down the stairs when I overheard two voices. It was Ms L'Amour -who technically represented America Swanson and the Judge Michael Smith
L'Amour was saying "Michael how much are you're being paid for convicting Swanson? Don't hide it, you, Ollie, and I all are being bribed to not only paint Swanson in a bad light, but also convict and I'm the one who suppose to be defending Swanson!!" Judge Smith said "I'm being paid $500.. I know you and Ollie are only getting $20-" but I couldn't hear the rest because I got stopped by Copper Fogel
Officer Fogel said "WHO THE HECK ARE YOU?" "WHERE DID YOU COME FROM? WHY DON'T YOU GO AWAY?" I claimed "I'm Thomas a servant from the Swanson household to check up on America." So with that I was allowed to go into America's cell
She was so glad to see me and she played along with my cover story "I'm so glad you're here Thomas How are my parents and my sisters?" I said "They're Fine" but once the Copper, the lawyer and the judge left- I told him "It's really me Prince David" and America was "Did you come to mock me like Harley did?" I replied "No America, I'm trying to HELP you..since you wouldn't get any help from them...espically not "L'Amour your DEFENCE lawyer" then she tells me about the dreams she been having that she's in the Enrichment castle and has to cook for the Fords the owners of the castle and the leaders of the Enrichment temple
The a couple of days later was the trial. I think the trial shouldn't have even happened since it was all fake anyway.
First Officer Fogel got cross-examined by Ms L''Amour
"So you been working for five months for the Windeburg police force?"
Officer Fogel replied "Yeah after they tossed two coppers for being too loyal to the royal family-they hired me and another person"
L'Amour said "So you were called at midnight about the theft and that my client was going to be at the homeless shelter that night?"
L'Amour asked "Do you know who called you?"
" was from a payphone for who the person apparently was smart enough to wipe the recivier after using it"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes are you saying that police officers aren't trustworthy?!!!"
Ms. Rhea Caliente was next-
"Ms Caliente You're a spell caster right?"
Rhea replied "sort of I was but I stopped practising"
"So what is you're history with my client?"
"I never really got along with her."
"Is it true you saw her steal answers for a test?"
"Yes she was searching in the drawer one day at school for a test"
"Did you push my client off the stairs of the high school a couple of falls ago?"
"Yes, I did she's a deserves it for being a dirty f- thief!!!"
"This was after, you and a couple of other people gossiped about her?"
"So what if we gossiped about it? She's a THIEF!!"
Carmen Nunn was next
"So your parents got together because of my client's mom?""Yes"
"You see my client steal food from Ember Ford?"
"So what were you, Ms Rhea and Ms. Ford talked about a couple of days before Ms. Rhea pushed my client?"
"That she should be kicked out of school since all she is is a DIRTY THIEF!!"

The last witness was Dauphin Harley Berjsens
"So you're my client's boyfriend?"
"I was, I broke up with her when she was drunk on New Year's Eve"
"So you were with her at 8pm that night at a resturnant?"
"Then you took her to the nightclub?"
"Then You broke up with her?"
"Yes after she had about 8 cups of wine, I broke up with her. I don't know what happened afterwards"
Then America was last.
Ollie didn't even bother with the cross-examing questions
and just said "YOU'RE A LIAR!" and didn't allow America to defend herself even
Then Judge Smith then "Ok I heard everything I need to know I sentence her for 4 years working for the Ford family at the Enrichment Temple with chains!!" just like in America's dreams nightmares
I then went to the Anneorine temple again wanting to return the disguise and thanked Harmony for the disguise but Harmony said "Keep it for a bit more, you need it a lot more then us. But we can't help you undo America's false sentence but I can send you to the Premores.. they might be able to help"
I went to the Premores and Vanessa said "Hello Prince David, I know whom you are.. I am the wife of a police officer.. so I kind of know everything that goes on" So I asked Vanessa said "So what's the big deal with Berjsens and the Swansons?"
So Vanessa started to tell a story..
"After a bunch of stuff happened with America's Aunts, one of Americas aunts Carly, got kidnapped by her paternal (future) grandda and she was forced to be- "let me guess a Cinderella character? at the Grants'?" "Yes.. but please no more interruptions please!" "Up until after Carly escaped and Mr. Darcy got arrested- that the Grant children-Jacob and his twin sister Emma view Carly as their Mom more then their actually Mom Hannah, and the then heiress to the Anneorine's leadership Baliee Prietess and then Dauphine Kelley Berjsens- all played together."
"but it all changed after Count Darcy got arrested and convicted for the kidnapping and slavery of Carly Swanson that Dauphine Kelly and Ember Ford and some others started bullying Jacob and Emma-but mostly Jacob so it lead to Hannah leading a group to counter Kelly's group which lead into several fights.."
"It continued into them being into them being teenagers and Hannah got pissed off after Dauphine Kelly saying something which was offensive to HER and Hannah challenged her to a 6 months time"

So she came and trained with me for the next six months and she was really good mind you. But then on the day of the duel, she was doing well but she got badly injured by the magic sword of Dauphine Kelly's. But she was above to survive since Jacob Swanson had the correct blood type which was compatible. They fell more in love- apparently Jacob had a crush when they first meet years prior -The End"
By the time Vanessa was done her sister had listened to the story as well. But they both told me that "We can't really help you but we can point you in the direction of the Dragos who can proably help at a price." That's where I'm going to head next after this letter
Love your brother,
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