April 2nd 1967
Dear diary so I'm so EXCITED THAT I'M FINALLY AM FREE AFTER AGES OF BEING ACCUSED OF A CRIME I DIDN'T COMMIT!! I should start at the beginning right
Well first thing is first... Lucy had a baby-sitting club since she know Queen Kelly needed someone to look after Isabella Berjsen. Lucy also knew from my information to Tony, that Isabelle's favourite story was Peter Pan So at one of the several events she had as a baby-sitter she read Peter Pan
Peter flung out his arms. There were no children there, and it was night time; but he addressed all who might be dreaming of the Neverland, and who were therefore nearer to him than you think: boys and girls in their nighties, and naked papooses in their baskets hung from trees.
“Do you believe?” he cried.
Tink sat up in bed almost briskly to listen to her fate.
She fancied she heard answers in the affirmative, and then again she wasn't sure.
“What do you think?” she asked Peter.
“If you believe,” he shouted to them, “clap your hands; don't let Tink die.”
Lucy stopped right after the passage and said "We will continue the story next week,. It's time you guys go back home."
That night I sneaked into the Berjsens' home and for some reason Isabella the middle child was awake in the middle of the night. Isabelle said "I knew you would come Peter Pan! I just knew it!!" I said "Well I can't take you to Neverland tonight, but I need you to do me a favour Isabella" She asked me "What is it?" I replied "I need you to go to your Mom's bookshelf and get a book from it that she wrote. " Isabella did exactly that and gave the book to me. She didn't even realize that "Peter Pan" was her family's recent ex-servant

Tony found out about my arresting officer' Fogel is a racist Tory who claims to know what God wants. He has arrested at least two-probably more Black folks just because they're being "aggressive" with him. But they only acted up like that due to being harassed a lot by cops like him Tony had a meeting with him with me present in my disguise Tony just shouted at him "How do you like being a Aryan Big Nose Pig?" Tony also shouted "IF I HEAR YOU TOUCH ANOTHER BLACK PERSON OR A MIXED RACE PERSON..I'M GOING TO COME GET YOU AM I CLEAR?" Officer Fogel just nodded
Tony then figured out how and who was behind Cousin Perod's kidnapping- his Uncle, my Cousin, Prince Dwight. So Tony decided to give Prince Dwight a visit. At first Dwight denied he had anything to do with Perod's kidnapping. But Tony got the truth out of him which was a lot.
"WHY DOES LINDA GET TO BE THE NEXT IN LINE TO THE THRONE IT SHOULD BE ME!!” Nancy: “Well maybe he doesn’t want you to end up ruling forever since you do want to become a vampire right?” Dwight “SO F- WHAT? I’M THE ONLY BOY IN THE FAMILY…IT SHOULD GO TO ME NOT LINDA!!” Nancy said “I didn’t except our father to put in that as of his death-that the next monarch has to be of the oppiste gender to the current one … but that’s the way it is.” Dwight: “I’m going to arrange to have our nephew Perod, kidnapped… maybe that might re-think Dad’s idea.” Nancy said “Keep me out of it, since I have no part in it,.” He did exactly that but luckily Perod was recused.
Tony said "Well you and your wife will be dead in a year's time for your crime. " Dwight said "Are you threatening me?" Tony said "No, I know you will be dead by the end of this year."
We then had another trial-but with a different judge, and with two new witnesses. Ms. Rosa was one of them. She said she had seen been on New Year's Eve at the club I remembered being at but I was acting really drunk.
Another person said she had been pretending to be white and had gotten her skin whited and had bleached her hair at the time but got sick of it. So she was back to normal-anyway she was the one who found me in the women's bathroom at the club
Officer Fogel admitted he didn't know where the call came from except it was from a pay phone and he didn't know whom called in the supposed hint.
Rhea told the truth that Dauphine Harley had threatened her by saying that if she didn't lie about me previously, that Harley would reveal her family's witchy background and it wasn't a widely known seceret.
Carmen also told the truth- that Dauphine Harley had threatened her as well. But also threatened her family and that she would be forced to be my replacement at the royal Windenburg residence if she didn't obey Harley
Tony took the stand and told them the information he knew that since I was a child Harley had been his mother's pawn in isolating me from my family and friends like Prince David- and I had no one left but Harley and his mother Queen Kelly and after my mother kicked me out of the house I was forced to become the royal family's slave but I was at least still allowed to attend school while doing it.
When I took the stand I confirmed what Tony had said, and that outside of being at the club getting broken up with Harley, I don't remember anything about that night except when I woke up hours later in Willow creek tied up like a pig.
Dauphine Harley was the last person to take the stand.. he admitted to being his mother's pawn he doesn't really know why his mother Queen Kelly hates me or at least my parents so much. He also admitted that with his mother's help that I became an outcast and a known thief. He also said he broke up with me at the club and then carried me outside but doesn't know what happened afterwards.
The judge Bailey Priestess said "Ms America Swanson is innocent of all crimes accused of her and her previous criminal record is wiped clean of her arrests. Rhea Calentine has the protection of Landgrabbie royal family, and Carmen Baker has the the protection of Tony Corleosnesi
and the Drago family."
I held a house party at Aunt Em's and we had a bonfire out at the back and everyone showed up to celebrate I am free!! Mom apologize for doubting me three years ago and she told me she was pregnant with children again. Lucy told me she and Brendan Murdoch were an offical couple. After the party I then moved back in with my family and felt mom's stomach with my twin siblings who were born shortly afterwards.
April 3, 1967
Dear diary, I'm so sad- Prince David's mother, Queen Trinity Landgrabbie of Oasis Spring passed away from an fatal illness. Prince David was suppose to be the next king..but due to his being "mixed up with me"- he thinks its better to give the throne to someone else, and the next person before David's twin sister Hailey, is their baby brother Henry. so that until Henry is a teen, Prince David, Princess Hailey, and their dad, Phillip will be co-regents for Henry. Not that David hates me any he still has a crush on me and has since we were kids!! I'm going to be his support at his mother's furntal in the upcoming days.. he's been there for me why shouldn't I be there for him?
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