Monday, May 27, 2024

7.27 Royal Family Updates!

Dear diary,  boy do I have a lot of updates for you!  Updates about my little sister Isabela,  and also about how the Wade family had died in mysterious circumstances.  Oh and someone moved out of town as well.  But I bet they'll be back one day. 

So the first thing is that the Most of the Wade family died suddenly including Kendal himself he died mysterious in prison

The next thing to mention is that because Mom and Dad had cut Isabella off from any money so her follow siblings Eleanor and Edward kicked Eleanor out as well because they didn't want to deal with her while they're studying Psychics and Education respectively.

So it meant Isabella had to move into an off-campus housing at I think Brichester and take out a loan to do so.  But because she kept gambling money she had to turn to dealing drugs and that's not going very well for her.

So now other updates- because we have a huge castle now  so we have to hire a lot of maids.  It makes Mom  uncomfortable for some reason she's not telling me about

I asked Henry if he wanted children and he said he wanted four children which is how many I wanted as well!

So we went to the bedroom for some private time -I don't think we need to spell it out for you what we're doing.

A week later I wasn't feeling too well so I decided to get a pregnancy test  and it was positive!!

And I told Henry, Mom and Dad!  They're all so happy for us!

Mom made a huge announcement me about it on Social media because the child or children I' was carrying are the next in line to the throne after I take over as Empress.

I went to get my ultrasound done turned out I was having twins.  But we decided not to find out whether it girls or boys I was having.

Another Day Henry and I went to a Lamaze class to practice breathing for when the children arrived since we're the only expecting parents it was a small class of only two people.


When we got home I read the book they gave me

We had a bit of a baby-shower didn't turn out too well and there's no pictures for it.  

Henry and I spent a lot of time together because Henry doesn't want to leave me alone for a mintue

A couple of days later it was time to head to the hospital since the water broke  -I thought it would take forever before the babies were ready to come out but Henry helped me out the entire time there

It was a hard delivery but I delivered healthy twins girls- Regina Danielle  Marie  and Estelle Hermione Jasmine 

I stayed in the hospital for a few days just to make sure there was no sickness for the girls or myself and then we took them home from the hospital


and in honour of the girls' births there were huge fire works for the entire week!

It's so exhausting looking after newborns

Mom updated the line of succession (Did you know that now Wade's children are now 62nd, 63rd, 64th and 65th  in line until Eleanor, Edward and Isabella have children?-I guess when the Berjsen family gave the Swanson family the keys to the Sim Nation Empire it also grandfathered in the other families that the Swanson were related too)

*a year later*

the girls are now are infants!   And it was amazing helping them get milestones to develop

or them trying new food

Helping with more milestones 

having them meet people- Regina meet Eleanor who I'm planning on being the regent incase something happens to me after I become Empress and Regina's too young to rule on her own. I do not want Isabella to go anywhere NEAR my daughters.

Estelle got to meet their Paternal grandpa 

and Mom happened to walk in just as Regina stood up for the first time 

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