Dear diary, I'm kind of in a mixed state because of what has happened. I'm also still tired after my nightmares I had this month.
I feel guilty about my boyfriend, Henry being MIA so I returned to my old smoking and drinking habbits to deal with my guilt
One night in a one of the city's bars- My ex-boyfriend, Wade showed up and harrased and assulted me. I was able to get away twice from him, once by kicking
I was able to get away twice from him, once by kicking
and due to my twin's experience with him, I carried pepper spray so I actually used it
That night was the first of my month's worth of nightmares
In this dream I not sure how but Wade somehow kidnapped both me and Henry and tired us both us and somehow carrier us to this werid triple carousel thing without the horses/animals
I woke up tied up in a chair while Henry just had ropes tired around his arms and legs. Wade said.. if I married him, he would let Henry live. If I didn't marry him, He would send Henry fall off the carousel top.
I refused to marry him
and because he was so mad he tried to choke me but kicked him in the tea bags
He until Henry and Henry is pleading to let him leave but Wade isn't having it.
He almost got Henry all the way off but Henry was able to grab
the edge of the thing with one hand. Like a one handed blonde version of Mufsa
from the original animated Lion King movie
But eventually Wade forced Henry to let go and he fall to his death
somehow I telopred down to the ground and cried over his dead body
I slapped Wade very hard and
and we fought
and I landed on the floor badly
I then woke up
So the first drama skit-I'm browswing at a bookstore and another customer comes up. "I want a book that's blue on 'de ting'. Me: "I don't work here go to one of the employees wearing blue to ask them"
Manager: "What's the problem over here ladies?"
Customer: "This employee of yours refuse to work and then gets out her cell phone to play around on instead of working and helping ME I WANT HER FIRED." Jane: "I have told her I don't work here but she must have ear plugs in hers because she wouldn't listen".
Manager: "I can't do that she doesn't work here. "
Customer "You're probably covering up for her because she made a mistake"
Manager "I ALSO heard you call her a little brat, and I think even if she was a worker, you shouldn't have called her that. So I'm banning you!"
Manager: Actually you're not- you just make stuff diffcult for my employees-you never remember anything about a book expect its colour and its on some TV show, and last week didn't you claim BIPOC customer was going to steal some DVDs we have? So now are you going to scram or do I need to call the police for trepassing?"
I helped Hannah,--as HAM now wants to be called- at her veteritian clnic.
She thought it might help be get over either my nightmares
or get me to stop my addictions again
That didn't stop me smoking though
One day I was out smoking and Rocco (remember, Charlene's boyfriend who let her get
r- by Wade?) and he ttried to assult me
That night I had another nightmare.
This one was a really long one -its start with me walking in an alleyway and getting kocked out
by someone. I think my Distant Cousin Susana Rosa
It switched to Henry, and my Uncle Dan- apperently they're close friends.
Dan tells him never to go anyplace alone even if they say "They might know where I am"
Henry goes to the police station and the police don't believe him about me missing and basically assue him of 'getting rid of me".
That made Henry upset so he called Dan over and he comforted Henry again. And he reminded Henry about not going anyplace alone
Early the next morning Henry got a call and told him to meet the caller at 8pm
That night Henry walked through the same alleyway I had been in earlier
and also got knocked out
When he had woken up -he was taken to Madline Feng and I was on the floor tied up.
Short way of explaing is that Henry and I would live but we can't see each other- Henry would be a male version of a concuibine but worse while I would just be a slave.
a week after our arrival, Madaline had a party.
When we thought Madaline was too exahusted to care about Henry and I-
we tried to be together but it didn't turn out very well for us
Henry was lead by a collar chain to another part of the dugenon, I was in, and
and I was whipped in the view of the party guests.
at another party Madaline threw
Henry tried to give me a kiss but I refused..
once again we tried to see each other but Madaline somehow knew
and I was whipped twice in a certain ways.. I think its suppose to be a message to not only
her appertience, Charlene, & journeyman Susana, but also to the males as well
that she could whip anyone who dares to cross her.
And we tried a 3rd time after one of Mad's parties
And after another one Mad got
really mad and threw Henry across the floor
The next moring- she had everyone go outside. She had Henry there tied up on the ground
and she took me outside and she was going to cut my throat...but
I woke up at that moment.
Hannah came in and comforted me
The second skit.
Women: "Does the Seaside Shirmp Trio have nuts in it?
Server Do you really want me to walk ALL the way back to ask the chef?
Women: "Yes because I'm deathly allgeric to nuts"
Server: "Rolling eyes" "I'm sick of all your fakers.. allgeries are just a fucking myth there's no such things and you're guys are all fakers who think allgeries are a myth.
Women: "Do you really want to be repsoible for my death because you couldn't be bothered to do your JOB?
Sever Your being too hysterical.. there's no such thing as allgeris.
Server: "He's not in at the moment"
Hannah and I study because we are in college
We didn't have a body for Henry so we had a memorial for him
I had to take several smoking breaks when the memorial happened
Rocco tried to kiss me but I not only pushed him away
but I also slapped him as well
That led to my 3rd night mare- Both Henry and I are walking down an alleyway-probably after a date,
one mintue Henry was there but
next he was gone!
I woke up tied up and one of Wade's croonies Ralph came and woke me up and told me that they had both me and Henry. He also told me what Wade wanted- he wanted me to marry him- I refused even after Ralph told me that Henry would die if I didn't
So Ralph pushed me back on the bed
the next day he came again
I'm not excatly sure what was going on wth Henry in the game
The third day I believe-that Wade himself showed up wearing what looked to be clothing of the Court of of King Louis XIV
That night I had to have a dnner with
The next day Madaline showed me what would happen to Henry if I refused to marry Wade
I was taken to a window to see Henry inside chained up or whatever
I was still having to be tied up at night to prevent me escaping
Another night I had to have supper with it the next night
I made my choice and after wearing Widow's weeds and stared at Henry through the window again.
I changed my clothes into bridal clothing and went to asically sob at Wade's feet
I guess when Wade and I were going to the wedding chapel- Henry manged to get free
and also found a bat and knocked out Ralph
Henry then showed up at the chapel, and
Henry and I just raced out of there
into a forest where one second he was there and
and when I looked back again he was dead with arrows in his back
This one has some background information. My character is suppose to have epilepsy and I can't go itno the "computer room" to reset it without someone else (Sam) with me.
So I'm in the office waiting for someone to come and be with me
IT Director: Yeah I heard about that and told him not to show up
Me: Oh did the system restart not need doing at 6:30am today? Would have been nice to be told but things happen I guess
It Director: No it needed doing. .. does this mean you didn't do it?
Me: Well no, I couldn't. I'm not allowed to be in the office on my own that's why Sam comes in when I need to do this.
It Director: "Yeah I heard about that. Its a stupid rule
Me: Under health and safety I'm not allowed to be in the building on my own. Stupid rule or not that's how things are
IT director: Why not? Because you're a woman? So Much for femminism
Me: "No because I'm epileptic"
It director : That's two faults aganist you. One for not doing the restart. And the other for
tellings us that you're a Spaz. I will be talking to your boss about this!
The last time was the worse I got so drunk I
I appertly did a particular kind of dance on Ralph who was there at the time
I called Hannah who was worred sick about me.
During the 2-3 attempts of harrasing me- Hannah had been trying to get me to stop smoking (and drinking) and had gotten a dog, and we breed her with another dog and our dog had puppies.
I again worked at Hannah's vet clinic again
That night I had this dream where Henry had been arrested for being part of a bank robbery.
He claimed he was just there to get money from his own account and the police arrested him for no reason
The same police officer came to my house and tried to arrest me
so I ran very fast
but she still actually arrested me
The crocked police officer claimed I was a witch and she had "seen" a cauldron full of posion (really Mac&Cheese) I had been making when she arrived
Henry was sentence to hang along with the two othe bank robbers, I was sentanced to be burned to death for being a witch.
The last exam is the same character Fran (or so we think) -as the character from the previous one
Alex(Bosss) Right, you know why we're here. This is a Final warning aganist Fran due to her constant refuse to do her job and for bringing drugs into the office.
Fran: I've brought along a few notes and my representive from ACAS here and am going to say what you're doing is illegal on several accounts, not least of the Disability Discrimation Act of 2010 which states I have a right to reasonable accomdations for disablity and a right to take prescribed medication without interference from my employer
Alex: I never said tou could bring someome from ACAS in. Get them out.
Fran: No. And my representative here can confirm I'm legally entilted to have an ACAS rep here.
ACAS "shows revelent laws"
Alex: This is just fucking unbelieveable! I TOLD them not to hire a cripple and now we have all this Shit! Do you realize, young lady. that you're actually COSTING the company money?
Fran: All I want is to be able to do my job. I hardly think supervison outside of hours, a disabled parking bay, and a suitable chair is "unreasonable" and I think the law backs me up and I believe the law backs me up here
Alex: How about I just fire you?
Fran: On what grounds?
Alex: I don't see why I should spend money on a spastic when I can get an able-bodied person in for half-the cost.
Fran: "I think we've heard all we needed to
ACAS "Yes, I'd agree.
Hannah took me out to our favourite resturant Plasma Lobster
And our siblings grew up into pre-teens
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