cira 1975-1976
Dear Diary I'm in a weird mood since I'm happy, I'm sad I'm scared.
Now I have heard some rumours that Dauphine Kenya, the heir to the throne has said that because Cora is such a trouble maker and a baby that she must be a criminal in training from either Mom or from our Grant side of the family. I have no idea what they mean by that since no one is telling me anything about family history except for what happened to Great-Grandma Clarissa
Still, Cora is blamed for everything even when I make a mess and I blame it on her. I had made a mess and blamed it on Cora. And our Nanny refused to listen to Cora's protests and told her if she doesn't change her behaviour she isn't allowed to join my sleepover party in the next three weeks.
Our teacher Ms. Calentine has called my friend Wyatt a "retard" because despite being here for two years he still doesn't speak what she thinks is "proper" English and that his parents should be in jail for talking a criminal language at home. I told her off by telling her that he speaks "perfect" English to me and she shouldn't judge what they speak at home. I even pointed out that Queen Victoria spoke German at home. And Ms. Calentine accused me of being a liar.
Then the next week into the school year I came across Prince Orlando punch Cora trying to get her to show him some "criminal" defences that Mom had taught her. This wasn't the first time he apparently did it. He even asked if she paid an illegal to straighten her hair. I was so mad at what he said I punched him instead and help Cora off the floor but
I turned on Cora after Orlando went to the nurse's office with his twin sister and Ms. Calentine's daughter "Why do you keep getting bullied?" Cora said "I'm getting bullied? You are too! I never asked for you to step-in since you think I'm a 'loser' like Dauphine Keyna and Prince Orlando think! Why don't you just join in the teasing!" I said "Me join them? They would rather be dead then me join them!"
Our brother Elliot who is in school now came up and told us "We can't have a united front if the eldest children are arguing with each other about the Berjsens' bullying."
Wyatt's Mom Aunt Rain and my Mom, both forced Wyatt and me to spend time together. While we were talking Wyatt kind of randomly dropped the fact he thought Cameron, the nanny's son was very interesting. That night our nanny took Wyatt, Elliot, Cora and I, out to a disco rollerskating and dance place It was awesome!!
The following week Cora got into trouble again at home and our Nanny spanked her and also told her she couldn't join my sleepover party that Friday Yes she was allowed to spank her.
It was lovely party and I won a couple of games. Nanny cooked Mac and Cheese. But at some point Cora tried to join in and Dad yelled at her for forgetting she wasn't allowed to be a part of the sleepover
The next week or so I and Wyatt spend some time at the library and did our history project together. This is what we got up
Concentration Camps
by Wyatt Wood and Elizabeth Swanson
This school project is going to be about concentration camps. Little do people know that the first concentration camps were done by the British during the Boer War. The same war which we get the term "Blitz" from. Even though it was a different kind of "Blitz" then the one London, UK faced in WWII. Even though in the Boer War there weren't "showers" like in German ones. Also, North American countries (Canada/United Kingdom States) in both First and Second World Wars had 'labour camps" for either during the First One- for Urkanines and Russians or for the 2nd one Japanese people like David Suzuki.
There are fences around these camps with guards at certain watchpoints to prevent the "different" people from escaping. Some still did escape either after dark or when they're could go somewhere else for labour purposes. These were the first thing that prisoners were seen when they arrive in the camp and their precious items confiscated and other prisoners would sort through and the most highly valued stuff would return back to Germany
There were doctor's rooms. But they weren't for the health of the prisoners. They're tested in a similar way to those unethical tests that were done on First Persons in residential schools. Some were diet-related. Or in other ways, the prisoners who were tested on, were forced to deal with contagious diseases like rubella. Basically, they're guinea pigs for the Germany army on the battlefield
The barracks were the worst part. That originally it was only supposed to be for three people per bed but sometimes there could be able to five people per bed. Also, they had to make their own beds before roll call out of doors.
They got really little food. They're lucky if they got bread once a week. Sometimes they exchange it for more of something else.
Technically the famous "showers" where a lot of Jews and others died in, weren't at concretion camps but at death camps.
Like in all prisons there was a hierarchy within the prisons. So the higher ranking ones would get the cushy indoor jobs while the lowest of the low would be sent to other camps to do stuff like building factories in the dead of winter with no outdoor gear.
The pictures shown are from Wyatt's friend who was killed when the Woods try to escape to Widenburg to prevent them from being sent to such a camp. Since he had gotten pictures due to some people who had escaped from such camps.
The Friday after we handed in our project Nanny took Wyatt and I out sledding and then Mom and Dad took me skating! Cora had to stay at home because she's grounded. Not that she minded.